Monday, February 5, 2018

Positive Mindset

Today’s Topic: Mindset. I’ve been doing a lot of devotions recently and then I listen to KLove Radio and…the…theme that seems to be running through everything I’m reading and listening to is…your mindset. And how to have a positive mindset…Harder then it seems. Just gonna toss that one out. Cause they talk about…uh, you know, ways that you can…uh, try and have a better, positive attitude…better, positive, that’s good English. A positive attitude throughout the day. And how to,…uh, maintain that and, uh, you know, all of those …wonderful things. But…it’s super hard. You know? Cause things happen during the day that irritate you or that…um…uh…you know just cause negative reactions and negative thoughts and it’s hard to… keep… focused on the positive. So that’s something I’m trying to do. And I figure if I put it out there, that it’s something I’m trying to do…maybe people will help me with that. Not that I expect you to do a whole lot. But, um, it’s just a good reminder and to make a statement to  say that I am trying to be a more positive person. Although, some people say that I’m super positive all the time anyway. Which is great. Hopefully people think that all the time. But, um,…I’ve just noticed in myself that I can be negative. So…I’m trying… very hard… to…stay positive. And I’m trying to do different things that help me…um…to get to that point. So. That is my thoughts for today. So, any ideas, please share them with me. Um…or, you know…if you just want to say Sara you look like… a crazy person, then great, please, comment. Umm, but yeah, I hope everyone’s doing great, and…we’re back at it. 

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