Friday, May 22, 2020

A Good Day

So, today was…one of those generally just good days. You know those days? Like, so, today… I had a pretty decent day at work. Um, I had some things that I really wanted to get done, and, or needed to get done and I got most of them done. Not all of them, my computer was being feisty today. But…most of them. I got most of them done. So that was good. Feeling that sense of accomplishment and… you know… feeling like things had happened the way they were supposed to. Sorry, I’m blinding y’all again. Um, but, so THAT was good. And then I was able to connect, uh…digitally with, uh, a friend that I haven’t spoken to in a while. So it was nice to reach out to her and be able to reconnect with her. Um, Tracy Pelzer-Timm I love you. And, so that was. That was nice. And then also, uh, just my dad and I, or, have been commenting on a post I did on Facebook and, um… reminding, uh, me, of, of doing theatre with him when I was little, so…just good memories. And, and again a chance to virtually connect with my dad which is always nice. Um, cause I love my parents and, and so that was good. So, you know, just a really good day and, and I feel like I’m very settled and, and positive and in a good place. Uh, just from doing…you know…all of, uh, getting back on with the Vlogs and …doing, um, devotions every morning which is a very centering thing for me… personally. God!...and…Sorry! Umm…So I’m able to…uh, start my day with, with focus and intent…and…uh, hopefully keep a positive attitude throughout the day, uh, because I start… that way. And then I usually try to end it by being positive here, so. I feel like I’m succeeding so far which is great. Um. Hopefully I can keep it going…or, uh, you know, at least as, as often as I feel like I have something to say. Um…I’d rather …have a purpose and, and have a focus with each video versus…rr…talking about random nonsense. Which is generally what I talk about anyway. But to at least have an idea of where I’m going…with, uh, each video as it, as it gets posted. So…uh, you never know. Some days might have a, you know, focus and a theme and a…reason that I feel like I have something to say! And some of them… may just be me…randomly talking about nonsense. So…there ya go. But, uh, yeah. But, today, was a good day. I hope everybody else had one as well. And I will…see you all soon. Bye!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

What I Miss

I was thinking today about the fact that I, uh, miss… theatre right now. I mean obviously a lot of us do. Especially… all of my theatre people. But…I…was realizing today…what it is ABOUT theatre that I miss the most. And it’s the rehearsal process. Like, I…love that process. I don’t know…I can’t say that I like it more than performing, cause obviously, I’m a performer. Like, that’s what we do. But…it…there’s something about that rehearsal process and that’s like the building of those relationships and those friendships that you take with you, past, you know, the show itself.  And…it’s those relationships that can really make a show super special and one that you really wanna go back to because the thea, the group was so cohesive and you’re…beh, backstage routines are… set because you…interact with this person all the time and it was super fun and during rehearsals you had this moment where it happened and, and it worked really well so then you do it every single time. Things like that and those….I don’t know, there’s something about that, that practicing to put on the final project that I…I love. And I love that process and I like being a part of that process and, and seeing it all happen, and, and watching as, as those characters develop and…Whether I’m, uh, you know have a speaking role or, or am in, in the ensemble, which is the more often one. But, uh, it…I don’t know…I don’t know what it is about that. Like, I used to love dance class. I, I loved that coming together once a week and practicing things and learning dances and learning new steps and learning those skills and working on them and, and the comradery of…us as a class and all of those things that…create those relationships. I like that process and I love being a part of that, so. That is really what I’m MISSING right now. And I, I wish that…we could have that. I miss, I miss that mo…those, you know, moments and those, and those things. But, yeah, so, all of my, my theatre people that I’ve done shows with before or, and hope to them in the future. I miss you all and hopefully we’ll get to be together again soon. So, have a good day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Nerding Out for a Sec

I am a voracious reader. Like, I love to read. Umm. Especially when I find a book that …captures my imagination and, and has characters that you really wanna, like, sink your teeth into, you know? And…I…am a huge fan of the debate between… books vs. films. You know, how people have that debate of which are better. I usually think the books are better, but really…it’s because there’s so much ability to describe and to create and, and it’s really…You see the world, uh, whether it’s real or fantasy, umm, that the author themselves creates. So you’re reading their descriptions and the characters are fully fleshed out and you understand them because you’re reading the descriptions and their inner monologues and all of those things that make people…SO… complex. And I think that some of that gets lost when it’s translated to film. Especially, because you have to cut a lot of that…description and that creation and that complexity to get something across on film. Some of it you don’t need because it doesn’t take as much to, to create a character. You, you see it in the way the actor portrays them obviously. But, I think that…there’s... something to be desired because you, there’s so much of that inner monologue I think that we lose. And, uh, there…as I read books, you know, I find these characters that I would love to play or would love to see on film. Obviously, I would love to play them on film, cause that’s what I do, but…umm,…yeah. I, there’s… some that I would fear would lose that translation and I would be upset with how…dumbed down is the wrong term, but …uh….dumbed down it would be. Because you have….those…loss, the loss of that inner monologue. And one book series that I’m super attached to right now, and mainly because there is a character that…I would love to sink my teeth into. It’s such a complex, and…uh…deeply emotional…and, and her history is, is so powerful and has so much to do with the journey that she takes throughout the book series. And not just her character, all of the characters have that. Umm, but it’s the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews, who I absolutely love. Their writing is abso, amazing. And it, each of the characters, both the, the women, who you hear the story through. Umm, Kate Daniels is the main character and she, you hear the story mostly through her voice, stories mostly through her voice.  But, uh, they’ve written other, uh, side stories, umm, with some of the other female characters that they’ve introduced. So you have, uh, the character I would LOVE to play would be, uh, her best friend Andrea Nash. And…she… they, it, they’re so complex. But not only the women. You don’t get the inner dialogue from the men, but you can tell that the men that these women interact with, and fall in love with, and…uh, all of those things, but everyone who’s part of this society have such rich histories and, and they’re created and they’re brought to life and you get to see them through the way that the stories are told and written. And I…would….I would love to see it on film because I feel like it would be…SO great. That, because these characters are SO complex and are so… It’s a post-apocalyptic series and it involves magic and, you know, shape-shifters and it’s, uh, my…bailiwick if you…will. But…I…it’s also about the relationships and these, these people that are trying to survive in this society and all of the societal rules and the way that people look at each other. And…it’s, it’s a great series. So I would recommend it if you are a fantasy person. Even if you’re not, I would recommend it. Its super easy to follow. Umm. It’s, you know, it takes place in post, post-apocalyptic Atlanta, which is fun and entertaining and it… Yeah, I…it’s one of those…things that I would love to do. But AGAIN, because so much of the story is told from the perspective of… the characters and their…so their…they think, you know, you read their thoughts and their thoughts are so much of the comedy and, and….how they’re…why you connect with them is because of their inner thoughts and their inner turmoil that, that you follow them through on these, you know, epic stories. And…sss…yeah…I, it, I feel like a lot of that would get lost in translation, unfortunately. And I, I just think about what, you know, what would be a way…to do …that and to…provide…that…inner…monologue without…destroying…the storyline. I mean, not destroying, but…how, how to balance being able to share some of those really hilarious… inner...thoughts. Because the characters are horribly sarcastic when they’re thinking to themselves and processing and reacting to the things around them. But that’s what’s so funny and so entertaining and so….um, makes you able to connect with these amazing characters. And it explains a lot of how they react to things and why they react that way and…. Again, things that you can get in a book, but…I don’t know if you would be able to… translate to…film, to a film medium. But I would love, I would love to see it and I would love…to…be able to…to just do…something like that. And that, I mean its, and their… strength of these women and all of those things, so, I would check it out. It’s a great series like I said. Umm, but, and yeah, and those are the weird things that go through my head. Umm, of what I would, what I love to do, what I would LOVE to do. And that I would find entertaining and hopefully other people would find it entertaining which is why I think they would make great television or movies or however they would want to do it. But, umm, yeah. So that’s my random thought for today. Check out those books. Uh, again, the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. And I hope you all have a great day. Bye!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Good, Not Great

I wanna start this by saying that I am NOT fishing for compliments, so, please do not feel like you need boost my …ego… off of anything that I’m saying. But, with this whole quarantine thing I’ve realized…and been amazed I guess. I’ve been amazed by the number of people that have… found new ways to express themselves. Like, just, all of my artistic-y, theatre-y friends, because I have 5 million of them. And…watching…things that they post on-line of like “ oh hey I’m doing THIS new artistically creative thing” or “I’m doing THIS new artistically creative thing”. And…I keep thinking…I…don’t really have anything…that I do…that’s…like that. I mean, I…I DO. But I don’t have the courage…to…share it with others. Except for talking about random nonsense on this wonderful blog. So I was like, “I should… get back to that and I should do that thing that I …randomly enjoy doing” for, you know, no reason whatsoever.  And, it doesn’t really matter if people watch it or if people care, or you know, the people that do care will watch it and respond and the ones that don’t…won’t. So, its really not, you know… So…here we go…here’s what I’m doing. Yay! But, I…thinking about all of that and thinking about, you know, people who have the courage to, to share those things that they do really well. Whether it be, you know, dance videos or singing videos, or acting stuff, or I’m trying to not blind you all with the light behind me. But…and realizing that I fee, I think…the reason that I don’t have the courage to do that is because I don’t feel like…I’m amazing at any of those things. So, I’m, you know, I’m, I’m good at a lot of things. I’m a, kind of a jack of all trades. I… can do a lot of different things… decently. But I don’t have anything that I’m like, “Oh I’m really great at this thing here. So I should share it with the world because I’m so fantastic at it.” And I…I wish that I had that, but at the same time…I…feel like…you…I don’t know it’s one of those things that you just know that you have. And I, and I KNOW that I enjoy entertaining people. That’s the thing that I KNOW that I enjoy and that I’m good at. But it’s figuring out…what I can do…to do that thing…really well. You know? It’s a…it’s a, it’s a struggle. But, I…so yeah, so here is… hopefully what I’m gonna to be doing for the next however long…is,  you know, randomly…uh, videotaping me being ridiculous and talking about just random…things, that…you know, people probably don’t care about, and if they feel like watching they can, um…but still…um…providing myself that outlet versus…um… keeping everything inside, cause I think that that’s very dangerous. So…um…so yeah, so I’m gonna share, and I’m gonna talk and hopefully…somebody watches and it’ll be fine. But, um…but yeah, that’s, that’s all I’ve got. So…hopefully you all enjoy it and…umm….yeah, enjoy. Please keep doing  and sharing all the wonderful things that you all are doing out there and I hope that you all have a great day. Bye!