Thursday, May 21, 2020

What I Miss

I was thinking today about the fact that I, uh, miss… theatre right now. I mean obviously a lot of us do. Especially… all of my theatre people. But…I…was realizing today…what it is ABOUT theatre that I miss the most. And it’s the rehearsal process. Like, I…love that process. I don’t know…I can’t say that I like it more than performing, cause obviously, I’m a performer. Like, that’s what we do. But…it…there’s something about that rehearsal process and that’s like the building of those relationships and those friendships that you take with you, past, you know, the show itself.  And…it’s those relationships that can really make a show super special and one that you really wanna go back to because the thea, the group was so cohesive and you’re…beh, backstage routines are… set because you…interact with this person all the time and it was super fun and during rehearsals you had this moment where it happened and, and it worked really well so then you do it every single time. Things like that and those….I don’t know, there’s something about that, that practicing to put on the final project that I…I love. And I love that process and I like being a part of that process and, and seeing it all happen, and, and watching as, as those characters develop and…Whether I’m, uh, you know have a speaking role or, or am in, in the ensemble, which is the more often one. But, uh, it…I don’t know…I don’t know what it is about that. Like, I used to love dance class. I, I loved that coming together once a week and practicing things and learning dances and learning new steps and learning those skills and working on them and, and the comradery of…us as a class and all of those things that…create those relationships. I like that process and I love being a part of that, so. That is really what I’m MISSING right now. And I, I wish that…we could have that. I miss, I miss that mo…those, you know, moments and those, and those things. But, yeah, so, all of my, my theatre people that I’ve done shows with before or, and hope to them in the future. I miss you all and hopefully we’ll get to be together again soon. So, have a good day!

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