Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Reading Issues

I love to read… and…if you don’t love to read, you may not understand pretty much anything of…or not understand, but not, uh, empathize with…anything that I’m gonna say right now. But…so, those of you who are on my Facebook, uh, may have seen that my mom and I…both keep a reading log of all the books that we’ve read. Just to…keep track. And uh, so we count it…at the beginning of the year every year…and my mom read a ton of books this year. My…goal for last year was to read 75…books…Which I’ve done…in the past. So I was like, “ok I can do it.” For some reason I…While my mom like…read like a demon this year during quarantine. I…was less…excited to read…I guess. And I don’t know why? Cause I love it and I still…like, there’s all these books that I wanna read and they sound fantastic and I want to get into them…But….I don’t know if…my…the way that I think about…how, reading…or…finishing goals or, or anything. May have hindered me from doing…as much reading. Because I find right now…I’m really into the books that I’m reading, but at the same time…they’re…frustrating or I find that I, I get…I’m not reading them as quickly as I was…reading previous books by the authors that I’m reading. And, and I don’t know if its because I…am tired of their style and should try reading somebody else, or…the storyline isn’t as fascinating or…I don’t know what the problem is. I don’t know. But, or, it’s that…I’m realizing that I’m trying to get through these books, so that I can read other ones…But my problem is that I’m, like, in the middle of a couple of series…and I really wanna finish those series before…I move on to something else. Because if I stop now…and then come back to them…I’ll feel like I need to start over from the beginning and like, re-read the books that I’ve already read. And that just seems…so…ridiculous. So…I’m trying really hard to get through…the series that I’m working on right now so that…I can…move on to new authors or books or whatever… I sprinkle in, like,…um, other books. Cause I, I listen to a few podcasts that review books. So I read…you know…I’ll read one of those books in-between reading…uh, these other books. But…it’s jus…there’s so much that I want to read. And I, I feel like I’m…dragging my feet to get there. Like I haven’t finished a book yet this year and I mean, it’s only been six days I realize, but usually I could probably finish one or two books…in…a couple days. Even…with working and, and all of that, so…I don’t know. I’m not sure how to, how to go about…fixing that problem. But… you know…it’s a new year. So we’ll see what happens and I’ll just…keep on…keeping on. So, that’s my thoughts for today. Hopefully you all are having a great day and, um, a great beginning of January and…uh, here’s to, here’s to a new year. Thanks!

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