I am a voracious reader. Like, I love to read. Umm.
Especially when I find a book that …captures my imagination and, and has
characters that you really wanna, like, sink your teeth into, you know? And…I…am
a huge fan of the debate between… books vs. films. You know, how people have
that debate of which are better. I usually think the books are better, but
really…it’s because there’s so much ability to describe and to create and, and
it’s really…You see the world, uh, whether it’s real or fantasy, umm, that the
author themselves creates. So you’re reading their descriptions and the
characters are fully fleshed out and you understand them because you’re reading
the descriptions and their inner monologues and all of those things that make
people…SO… complex. And I think that some of that gets lost when it’s translated
to film. Especially, because you have to cut a lot of that…description and that
creation and that complexity to get something across on film. Some of it you
don’t need because it doesn’t take as much to, to create a character. You, you
see it in the way the actor portrays them obviously. But, I think that…there’s...
something to be desired because you, there’s so much of that inner monologue I
think that we lose. And, uh, there…as I read books, you know, I find these
characters that I would love to play or would love to see on film. Obviously, I
would love to play them on film, cause that’s what I do, but…umm,…yeah. I,
there’s… some that I would fear would lose that translation and I would be
upset with how…dumbed down is the wrong term, but …uh….dumbed down it would be.
Because you have….those…loss, the loss of that inner monologue. And one book
series that I’m super attached to right now, and mainly because there is a
character that…I would love to sink my teeth into. It’s such a complex, and…uh…deeply
emotional…and, and her history is, is so powerful and has so much to do with
the journey that she takes throughout the book series. And not just her
character, all of the characters have that. Umm, but it’s the Kate Daniels
series by Ilona Andrews, who I absolutely love. Their writing is abso, amazing.
And it, each of the characters, both the, the women, who you hear the story
through. Umm, Kate Daniels is the main character and she, you hear the story
mostly through her voice, stories mostly through her voice. But, uh, they’ve written other, uh, side
stories, umm, with some of the other female characters that they’ve introduced.
So you have, uh, the character I would LOVE to play would be, uh, her best
friend Andrea Nash. And…she… they, it, they’re so complex. But not only the women.
You don’t get the inner dialogue from the men, but you can tell that the men
that these women interact with, and fall in love with, and…uh, all of those
things, but everyone who’s part of this society have such rich histories and,
and they’re created and they’re brought to life and you get to see them through
the way that the stories are told and written. And I…would….I would love to see
it on film because I feel like it would be…SO great. That, because these
characters are SO complex and are so… It’s a post-apocalyptic series and it involves
magic and, you know, shape-shifters and it’s, uh, my…bailiwick if you…will. But…I…it’s
also about the relationships and these, these people that are trying to survive
in this society and all of the societal rules and the way that people look at
each other. And…it’s, it’s a great series. So I would recommend it if you are a
fantasy person. Even if you’re not, I would recommend it. Its super easy to
follow. Umm. It’s, you know, it takes place in post, post-apocalyptic Atlanta,
which is fun and entertaining and it… Yeah, I…it’s one of those…things that I
would love to do. But AGAIN, because so much of the story is told from the perspective
of… the characters and their…so their…they think, you know, you read their
thoughts and their thoughts are so much of the comedy and, and….how they’re…why
you connect with them is because of their inner thoughts and their inner turmoil
that, that you follow them through on these, you know, epic stories. And…sss…yeah…I,
it, I feel like a lot of that would get lost in translation, unfortunately. And
I, I just think about what, you know, what would be a way…to do …that and to…provide…that…inner…monologue
without…destroying…the storyline. I mean, not destroying, but…how, how to
balance being able to share some of those really hilarious… inner...thoughts.
Because the characters are horribly sarcastic when they’re thinking to themselves
and processing and reacting to the things around them. But that’s what’s so
funny and so entertaining and so….um, makes you able to connect with these
amazing characters. And it explains a lot of how they react to things and why
they react that way and…. Again, things that you can get in a book, but…I don’t
know if you would be able to… translate to…film, to a film medium. But I would
love, I would love to see it and I would love…to…be able to…to just do…something
like that. And that, I mean its, and their… strength of these women and all of
those things, so, I would check it out. It’s a great series like I said. Umm,
but, and yeah, and those are the weird things that go through my head. Umm, of
what I would, what I love to do, what I would LOVE to do. And that I would find
entertaining and hopefully other people would find it entertaining which is why
I think they would make great television or movies or however they would want
to do it. But, umm, yeah. So that’s my random thought for today. Check out
those books. Uh, again, the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. And I hope
you all have a great day. Bye!
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