Friday, May 22, 2020

A Good Day

So, today was…one of those generally just good days. You know those days? Like, so, today… I had a pretty decent day at work. Um, I had some things that I really wanted to get done, and, or needed to get done and I got most of them done. Not all of them, my computer was being feisty today. But…most of them. I got most of them done. So that was good. Feeling that sense of accomplishment and… you know… feeling like things had happened the way they were supposed to. Sorry, I’m blinding y’all again. Um, but, so THAT was good. And then I was able to connect, uh…digitally with, uh, a friend that I haven’t spoken to in a while. So it was nice to reach out to her and be able to reconnect with her. Um, Tracy Pelzer-Timm I love you. And, so that was. That was nice. And then also, uh, just my dad and I, or, have been commenting on a post I did on Facebook and, um… reminding, uh, me, of, of doing theatre with him when I was little, so…just good memories. And, and again a chance to virtually connect with my dad which is always nice. Um, cause I love my parents and, and so that was good. So, you know, just a really good day and, and I feel like I’m very settled and, and positive and in a good place. Uh, just from doing…you know…all of, uh, getting back on with the Vlogs and …doing, um, devotions every morning which is a very centering thing for me… personally. God!...and…Sorry! Umm…So I’m able to…uh, start my day with, with focus and intent…and…uh, hopefully keep a positive attitude throughout the day, uh, because I start… that way. And then I usually try to end it by being positive here, so. I feel like I’m succeeding so far which is great. Um. Hopefully I can keep it going…or, uh, you know, at least as, as often as I feel like I have something to say. Um…I’d rather …have a purpose and, and have a focus with each video versus…rr…talking about random nonsense. Which is generally what I talk about anyway. But to at least have an idea of where I’m going…with, uh, each video as it, as it gets posted. So…uh, you never know. Some days might have a, you know, focus and a theme and a…reason that I feel like I have something to say! And some of them… may just be me…randomly talking about nonsense. So…there ya go. But, uh, yeah. But, today, was a good day. I hope everybody else had one as well. And I will…see you all soon. Bye!

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