Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Power of a Positive Mindset

It is gross and freezing rainy outside so what better to do then do a blog post to all of my fantastic people. Since I got sent home from work early and have time. So…uh, mindset is a huge topic that I’ve heard on a lot of my umm, Facebook fitness groups, umm, and my, uh,…the…you know, food blogs and other podcasts that people do. And, I used to not really pay attention to that, and/or, think that that really had much to do with it. Plus I was like “Well, I’m doing pretty good. I mean, you know, I have a decent mindset. I don’t really need to work on it.” Such a lie! So, I started working with a trainer one on one. I talked about her before, Nina Schreckengost, she’s amazing by the way. And, one of the things that she stresses a huge amount is mindset and the fact that if…she’s actually said this like legit before, but if you are in the same place mentally…30 pounds from now why would you stay there? Why would you keep that success? Basically that, when we work to lose weight our body changes, so why shouldn’t our mind change with it? Because in order to accept yourself at that new smaller weight, or stronger muscles, or whatever physical place you’re in, if your mind isn’t ready to accept where you’re at, you’re never gonna succeed and stay there. It’ll, you’ll go right back into your old body physical shape because your mind is still there. So, that is something that I’ve, uh, taken and run with in terms of…umm…trying to focus on the positives in my life. Trying to, make myself believe the good things that people say about me. That I’ve been told, but, my normal way to take a compliment is, “yeah, but, you’re being nice.” So I’ve tried to force myself to take those things that people say and that I need to believe about myself if I’m ever gonna to get to where I wanna be. And really think through that. And it’s amazing how focusing just that little bit on making myself a more positive person is amazing. In how I see myself and how I see not only my successes in my weight loss journey, but also those days and weeks and months that I have failure. Where I’m “too busy” to work out or I don’t meal prep correctly, so I go the fast food joint for the whole week and of course the weight comes back on. Umm, so instead of seeing that as a huge failure and not wanting to keep going I’m able to look at that and say “You know what? That’s ok. That’s down, that’s it, we’re gonna start from here, we’re gonna keep going.” Because I know what I need to do to get to where I wanna be. It’s just taking those steps, every day. And reminding myself that I do see success when I try and follow, umm, the paths that’s put in front of me and make those positive changes in my life. So that’s it for today. Umm, I haven’t been keeping up with this. So I’m gonna try really hard to keep posting and talking about, umm, random stuff and also my weight loss journey on the way. I hope you all have a wonderful day and, umm…we’ll see you later!

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