Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Best Laid Plans

Filmed Friday 12/14/18

Hello friends! So, like most people in America and possibly more then that I am…have been trying to lose weight. Tsk. So…umm, I’ll probably talk more about all the different ways that I’ve tried to lose weight, umm, more, uh, in future blogs, cause that’s sort of, umm, part of why I started doing, uh, video blogs, but….Anyway. So, umm, I had this great plan for this week. You know, like, how you do. You start out your week and like, ok, so this week I’m gonna, make it to the gym three times, I’m gonna do three home workouts. This was my plan by the way. Tsk, umm, I’m gonna eat real good and I’m gonna drink a lot of water. The best laid plans. So, it was one of those weeks. Like, I would wake up in the morning and I’d be really motivated. I would do my morning devotions and I would, umm, clean my house for half an hour, and I would do, make all my food for the day so I had all my food with me to be healthy. Umm, so I did really good on food and my morning routine. Tsk, it’s the gym that is the world’s problem, tsk. So, I…did not make it to the gym, at all this week. Also didn’t do any of my home workouts, point of fact. Except today, cause I was like, I’m over this, I’m gonna post about it on my blog, I better do it. So, workout done today. Did not go to the gym. Did a home workout, as you can see I’m still in my workout clothes. You probably see some of the sweat on my face. Tsk. But, umm, yeah, so, this is me, being real, sharing it will the world. Gonna get better from here. So, my plan, again, planning, tsk. For this weekend is to do home workouts Saturday and Sunday. And then start next week on Monday, going to the gym. So I will check back and I will let you all know how that goes. And like I said I’ll share sort of the rest of my weight loss journey up until now. Uh, as we go throughout the rest of time. And I’ll let you know where I’m at and how I’m doing. So, thanks for listening. Hopefully this wasn’t super long and super boring to you. Umm. Hopefully you’re not still watching it if was. But have a great day and I will see you all next time.

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