Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Delusions of Grandeur

Ok. So I want to start this out by saying that I am not fishing for compliments. Got it? But if you want to compliment me I will always take them. But that’s not what this is about. So…I was…watching the rehearsal for “Miracle In Bedford Falls” tonight and I do…ff…find that I do this a lot. Where…weird hair thing. Umm… where I’ll be sitting and thinking about like, auditions for the next show, or umm, you know, some event that’s coming up, or random…I don’t even know…random stuff. And…I start thinking about and playing out different scenarios in my head of things that could happen. You know, and it’s always somethin’ about…uh…you know…me getting this really great part that I really want, or…umm… some crazy…once in a lifetime experience happens because of…whatever. Umm…and I don’t know if it’s just cause I have a really active imagination or if I’m really just that crazy…umm…that I come up with all of these ridiculous…maybe not always ridiculous, let me be fair. But things that would not happen to normal people. Because I am very much a normal person…well “normal” person. But it just…it…I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m…crazy, or if… this is something that other people do where you dream up all of these great things that you want to happen? Or…whatever it is. But…I was just thinking about that in the car on the way home. And I was like…”I wonder if other people come up with all of these scenarios that will really probably never happen?” Umm…But I’ll play them out in my head all the time. And then…especially when it comes to like acting and stuff. Umm…You know I’ll play it out and I’ll be like, “Oh I’m gonna get this great part and it’s gonna be amazing and everyone’s gonna think I’m fantastic.” Usually doesn’t work out that way. Umm…Sometimes I get the part, sometimes I…don’t…umm. But…yeah…I think that in my head I have all of these great things that I expect to happen and they don’t always necessarily play out that way. Sometimes they’re better umm…and different. Uh…but, sometime…usually it’s not quite the fantasy that I have in my head. Maybe I’m just need to stop…I don’t even know, I don’t even know what would stop that. But umm…but yeah, so that’s my random thoughts for today. Please feel free to comment if you have any suggestions, or wanna commiserate with me. Umm…But yeah, that’s, that’s my thought for today. Have a good one.

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